Fengzhilan 17-7-17 chlorine based compound fertilizer

Fengzhilan is a new type of fertilizer developed by Poly Fertilizer, which uses high-quality raw materials and modern technology to effectively combine nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients. Its unique formula is safe and pollution-free

Product features:
1. Nutritional Balance: Creating a unique balance of nutrient supply with a large amount of elements, other nutrients, and natural marine active substances to meet the diverse nutrient needs of plant growth;
2. Chelation promotes absorption: The chelation effect of natural marine active substances and the rational ratio of nutrients promote plant absorption, improve fertilizer utilization efficiency, enhance plant photosynthesis, promote greener leaves, more developed roots, and stronger plants;
3. Disease resistance and harvest guarantee: The disease resistance factors in natural marine active substances can enhance plant immunity and stress resistance, improve quality, and increase yield and income.

1. Suitable for non chlorine tolerant crops such as rice, wheat, corn, cotton, soybeans, rapeseed, vegetables, etc.
2. It can be used as base fertilizer and topdressing. The recommended amount of base fertilizer for general crops is 50kg per mu.
(Please consult the local agricultural technology department for specific application methods.)

Attention: This product uses some urea as raw material and contains biuret. Improper application may cause damage to crops.

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